About us


European Civic Forum (ECF) is a pan-European network of more than 100 associations and NGOs across 30 European countries. Founded in 2005 by our member organisations, we have spent nearly two decades working to protect civic spaceenable civic participation and build civil dialogue for more equalitysolidarity and democracy in Europe.

Our work

Policy & Advocacy

We advocate to ensure EU policies respect fundamental rights for all, for an enabling environment for civil society and for genuine civil dialogue.

Network & Capacity Building

We connect civil society actors transnationally and across sectors through conferences, forums and alliances.

Monitoring & Reporting

We monitor civic space across Europe and report on developments for Civic Space Watch and Civicus Monitor.

Our network

Our network is made up of diverse organisations, ranging from big federations and national platforms of NGOs uniting hundreds of thousands of organisations across different sectors, human rights and campaigning organisations, and smaller groups working at community level.



Working with our members and partners, our research and advocacy team produces reports on a wide variety of topics – notably our annual Civic Space Report.

ECF in the news


Highlights from our coverage in the international media.

Civic Space Watch

Civic Space Watch collects findings and analyses from actors in Europe on the conditions for civil society to operate, capturing national and trans-European trends in civic space.  Through ongoing monitoring of social media and regular contact and interviews with a strong network of members and partners on the ground, we strive to provide easy access to resources and improve information sharing within civil society across Europe with policy-makers and the media.